Just starting out?

If you’re new to WDSA and looking for advice, browse and join your appropriate groups of interest and post your questions.

Please note new registrations are subject to approval and for South African based digital industry only (at this stage).

We’re in the process of building a resource that allows for freelancers AND agencies to showcase their work, ask honest questions  and get answers that will help the community in general and uplift those that need a helping hand when starting out.

Having been in the industry for 20+ years, we find that the best way to continue to learn, is to help others. By creating a resource that can be indexed by Google for quick answers, we hope to help thousands of up and coming entrepreneurs just like yourself.

If you have any recommendations on new groups you think we should add that are related to the digital industry in South Africa, feel free to email Dirk on dirk@semantica.co.za.


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